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Tractor Mower or Zero Turn Mower? Which One Should I Buy for Australia?

Mar 26, 2020

As the price of powerful mowers become more affordable, you might be thinking whether it’s better to invest in a zero turn mower or a tractor mower.

Here’s SCAG’s guide to the pros and cons of both to help you decide.

Discover the Features of Our Tractor Mower:

Tractor Mower Pros:

  • Easy to operate
  • Controlled by using a steering wheel, like your car
  • Great for attaching trailers to the back
  • Good on sloping blocks, steep terrain

The Tractor Mower Cons:

  • Hard to use on lawns full of flowerbeds, trees or rocks
  • Mowing the yard takes more time on average
  • Can leave spots of uncut grass behind due to turn radius

Zero Turn Mower Overview:

comparing a tractor mower with a ztm


  1. Ideal for well-maintained lawns that are mowed regularly
  2. Can be used for lawns with flowerbeds, trees or rocks
  3. Doesn’t leave patches of grass uncut
  4. Faster than regular mowers
  5. Reverses easily
  6. Easy to maneuver around tight corners and objects


  1. Has two lever handles which can takes practice for for new operators to get the hang of
  2. Not the machine of choice for sloped yards
  3. Large zero turn mower deck can be inconvenient in small yards

Tractor Mower vs Zero Turn

Maneuverability and mowing patterns of zero turn vs tractor mower

The biggest difference between zero turn and tractor mowers is the ability for zero turn mowers to turn in their own footprint. That means no patches of unmown grass left behind. Every time a tractor mower turns at the end of each swath of grass, its wide turn radius will leave patches which the rider will have to put the machine in reverse to cut the grass patches missed. Mowing most types of grass is faster with a zero turn mower.

Controlling the machine

Controlling a tractor mower is like driving a car with its steering wheel, whereas a zero turn mower involves the rider learning how to control the machine using the two handles. Most people find controlling a lawn tractor comfortable and reliable and braking is done by a pedal on the tractor.

Like learning to drive, it just takes some practice to become familiar with using a zero turn mower but some people don’t enjoy it. Tight turns are able to be done on a zero turn because the rear wheels turn under the rider’s control, compared to the front wheels with a lawn tractor.

Mowing close to trees, rocks and other obstacles is possible with a zero turn mower and reduces the amount of time people spend trimming edges. The rider also has a better view of the ground ahead so it’s easy to spot any unexpected hazards up ahead.


If you just want a machine that’s quick and gets the job done, then a zero turn mower is the answer. Not that a tractor mower is slow – it’s still much faster than a push mower but the zero turn mower is definitely quicker and will halve your mowing time.

For people where time is of no concern and want to attach heavy-duty carts, ground engaging equipment or other gardening attachments, a tractor mower might be the way to go.

If you just want a machine that’s quick and gets the job done, then a zero turn mower is the answer. Not that a tractor mower is slow – it’s still much faster than a push mower but the zero turn mower is definitely quicker and will halve your mowing time.

For people where time is of no concern and want to attach heavy-duty carts, ground engaging equipment or other gardening attachments, a tractor mower might be the way to go.

Deck Size

It is important as getting a mower which cuts too narrow a swath of grass means mowing will take longer. Remember to measure the distance between obstacles so you get a machine that can fit comfortably between.
Lawn tractor decks can be as large as 1.3 metres and zero turn mowers can be 1.8 metres or more.

Cost of zero turn vs tractor mower

It’s best to speak to a local mower dealer as cost between models can vary greatly. Generally, tractor mowers are cheaper but it depends on the size, deck size, horse power and other aspects of the mower a person’s after.

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