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Why Zero Turn Mowers Are Rising in Popularity in Australia

Oct 21, 2019

While the underlying technology behind Zero Turn Mowers is anything but brand-new (it was really pioneered during the 1950s in the United States), Zero Turn Mowers (ZTMs) have never been as popular here in Australia as they are today.

It used to be that you’d only see a ZTM on a large tract of land dedicated to the agricultural industry or being piloted by commercial landscapers and professional lawnmowers. Plenty of these pieces of lawn maintenance equipment have seen heavy duty on a rugby pitch at every level of the sport.

But today, homeowners are starting to take advantage of Zero Turn Mowers that have been obviously designed to be smaller and more economical for more residential applications. This has led to an explosion in popularity that is changing the lawnmower industry here.

Below we highlight just some of the reasons people are so happy to jump on board these new solutions.

Environmental Adaptability

Traditional lawn mowing equipment is fairly adaptable to different environmental elements, but nothing handles different terrain, hardscape and green elements, and effortlessly maneuvers into and out of – as well as around – different environments than a ZTM machine.

Giving you the ability to quickly engage and disengage the actual mowing deck itself (on-the-fly in many circumstances) with the ability to pivot in position to avoid obstacles traditional mowers would never have been able to avoid without a very wide birth, you get to enjoy a lot more control and a lot more flexibility with these machines.

Next Generation Technology

Truth be told, we haven’t seen a lot of innovation in the world of “legacy” mowing equipment in quite a while.

Sure, every year new models rolled off of the assembly line with bells and whistles promising new features and new benefits when it comes to riding mowers and lawn tractors. But there’s nothing really “new” about these machines. They’ve been about as refined as they can be by now.

The same cannot be said about ZTM machines.

Many of these machines are built using next generation technology, some of them even built to interface directly with smart devices, mobile devices, and other tools of that nature to help you better maintain and care for your lawn with a lot less headache and a lot less hassle.

Operational Efficiency

A steering wheel is a pretty easy to maneuver and manipulate control mechanism to be sure, but it’s tough to beat the intuitive nature of a dual (and independent) set of bars or levers that you can maneuver and manipulate with each hand to get the machine under your control to do EXACTLY what you wanted to do.

You have a lot more operational efficiency with these kinds of machines, especially since they are almost always paired with larger mowing decks than traditional lawn tractors as well. Combine the highly maneuverable capabilities of these machines with this extra speed and control and you’re looking at something really special.

They also look pretty cool as you fly around your lawn!

Lawn Maintenance Consistency

At the end of the day, it’s just tough to beat the consistency and dependability of everything that Zero Turn Mowers have to offer.

It may still be a while until you see a ZTM on every lawn in your neighborhood. But the industry figures are in and these machines are more popular today than ever before – and only getting more popular as time goes on!

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