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Why Is The 32” The Standout Stand-on Mower For Contractors?

Nov 17, 2020

In the last six months, we’ve seen a huge increase in the number of people purchasing stand-on mowers. There are different sized stand-on mowers, but the 32” is by far the most popular.


For cost, efficiency and less fatigue, it’s the stand-on mower of choice.

At SCAG, our motto is: work smarter, not harder

Why would you spend your entire day mowing, when you could be done by lunchtime and still make it to the pub in time for a counter meal and a pot, or continue to work and generate a greater income.

If you’re a contractor who wants to increase efficiency, then the 32” stand-on mower should be your number one choice.

SCAG Power Equipment
At SCAG, our motto is – “work smarter, not harder”

Cost of the 32” stand-on mower

One question we get asked all the time is: “Why are stand-on mowers so expensive?”

Our answer is: 

It’s the most expensive thing you’ll buy, but the cheapest thing you’ll own.

The average 32” stand-on mower costs around $14,000. The cost may come as a bit of a shock, but you’re getting value for money. Most contractors are financing their mower which can be as low as $75.00 per week. 

That’s right, just imagine how much money you could be making with all that time to mow extra lawns for that $75.00 per week investment.

What are the benefits of the 32” stand-on mower?

Better for your back

People who work long hours walking behind a push/self propelled mower or on a sitting mower can develop bad back problems. Standing mowers are much better because your feet and legs take the brunt of the shock absorption. Standing mowers cause far less fatigue and discomfort than other mowers.

Compact in size

The 32” stand-on mower is quite compact, so it can get through most gates. Stand-on mowers are great in metro areas where smaller, landscaped properties need to be maintained. Stand-on mowers have an ability to manoeuvre very tight spots and they are much shorter in length than other types of mowers.


It’s easy to make a quick getaway from a stand-on mower in the case of an emergency. If something dangerous happened, it would be very difficult to step off a sitting mower with the same amount of speed.

Due to the fact you are standing behind the mower, you have better visibility of what is ahead. You’ll be able to easily see any barriers or hazards sooner than you would if you were sitting down.


You can mow much faster on a stand-on mower than you can with a regular push/self propelled mower. If there are objects or obstacles ahead, you can quickly jump off a stand-on mower, move things out of the way and jump back on again. This can’t be done as quickly on a sitting mower or a push mower.

A SCAG mower is the most expensive thing you’ll buy, but the cheapest thing you’ll own

Why should I buy a SCAG 32” stand-on mower?

Our 32” stand-on mowers are popular with lawn dealers and contractors because we only sell high-quality machinery. Full commercial grade mowers loaded with heavy commercial components.

V-Ride II 32”

Our V-Ride II 32” is a great stand-on mower. It’s compact and highly manoeuvrable. You can fit plenty of machinery onto a trailer even with the V-Ride II because of its small size. This mower has a dual hydraulic pump double wheel motor with a charge pump drive system, so you’ll be able to make effortlessly sharp turns. The mowing deck provides

You’ll find a Kawasaki commercial grade engine (FX) in the V-Ride II 32”, which offers the perfect combination of power and performance you need. This stand-on mower is comfortable and provides a smooth ride for you, so you’ll finish mowing without feeling fatigued and sore.

The deck is a heavy commercial tri-plated (nearly half inch thick) top plate with heavy grade greasable spindles, split steel pulleys with heavy duty idler arms and Kevlar belts rated to a minimum 400 hours. 

Another advantage of SCAG mowers is that they’re built to last and easy to maintain, so you won’t be forking out cash all the time to fix mower parts. You can also configure the 32” model to suit your lawn maintenance needs.

The SCAG V-Ride II fitted with Kawasaki commercial grade engine (FX)

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